Ask and you shall receive

October 2, 2009 at 5:38 pm (dumb dumb, gape)


One day, surfing the newspapers on the net, I saw a headline that captured my attention: ‘Desperate, Romanians have began begging online’. I laughed for a few minutes, with tears in my eyes, not knowing, not even now, if it`s a laughing or a crying matter. And with this article I saw two links to some sites that were created just for a give-and-take bargain. After I surfed those links I thought to myself: ‘Now, after years and years of evolution, we have began to evolve and have access to information that in the past required time, a lot of time, now with a simple click we have almost everything that we wanted. And now, we begin to beg on the net?’ That`s hilarious and at the same time degrading.

In the article this bargain was printed like this: ‘With all this, there is a form of commerce on these sites: swop (barter). A leather jacket in exchange for some silver jewelry.’

I can`t wonder, but should we blame the world economic crises for this too?

I can`t help to abduce this discussion to some landscapes I saw a few days ago in Bulgaria: fields covered with crop. And when I went a week or so in Bucharest, the landscapes on the way to Bucharest were just plain fields, nothingness, like I was in the middle of nowhere, like Courage.

The other day I was surfing the net to get more information about scholarships abroad, and I passed an information in which Norway gives Romania almost 100 mil. euros, non-refundable funds, for 70 projects. And all of them will be eco. Now, this is good and bad in the same time. Why? Well it`s good that someone thought of putting windmills in Romanians most windy area, and it`s bad that Romanians didn`t done this from the beginning . It`s degrading for a country with potential, that it`s inhabitants don`t explore this potential at full.

But form where I started and where I ended up…

And a question rises with the beginning of these sites: will this form of ‘commerce’ is going to have an ending or an evolution? And if it is going to evolve, then: in what will it evolve?

And I, as a curious cat that has only 3 lives left, wonders on, unsatisfied with curiosity…

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